Primitively is a powerful C# source generator that transforms primitive identifiers and value objects into highly performant, customisable, read-only struct values that support ASP.NET model binding and validation (including FluentValidation), Open API standards, JSON and MongoDB BSON serialization, with zero or minimal configuration.
Supported .NET Versions
The 1.4.x and above releases support the following platforms:
- .NET 8
- .NET 7
- .NET 6
- .NET 5¹
- .NET Core 3.1¹
- .NET Standard 2.0¹
¹ It is possible (but not recommended) to use Primitively on class libraries that target platforms that preceed .NET 6 however C# 10 is a minimum requirement so make sure your project file's LangVersion
is set to latest
or 10 or higher
(see below). To learn more, clone the Primitively git repo and open the example projects.
Getting started
To get started, first add the Primitively NuGet package to your project by running the following command:
dotnet add package Primitively
Open your csproj file and edit the package reference, setting PrivateAssets="All"
. The file will look something like this afterwards:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Primitively" Version="1.4.21" PrivateAssets="All" />
You are now ready to create your first Primitively source generated type!
Create a new class file and add a reference to Primitively and decorate your partial record struct
with one of the Primitively attributes such as [Guid]
For example: -
using Primitively;
namespace Acme.Examples;
public partial record struct ProductId;
Here's a list of all the Primitively attributes currently available: -
- Date and time
- Globally unique identifiers
- Integers
- Floating-points (v1.5.x)
- Strings
Here's some source generation in action using each of the above attributes: -
Using Primitively on an ASP.NET core web project
If you want to use your Primitively types in an ASP.NET core web project. Add the Primitively.AspNetCore.Mvc NuGet package to your project by running the following command. It contains model binding support for your Primitively types, which means you can use your Primitively types in request parameters.
dotnet add package Primitively.AspNetCore.Mvc
If you are also generating swagger documentation for a web API. Add the Primitively.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen NuGet package to your project by running the following command.
dotnet add package Primitively.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen
When using FluentValidation
to validate your web requests. Add the Primitively.FluentValidation NuGet package to your project by running the following command. It contains two extension methods which validate any Primitively type with zero DI configuration.
dotnet add package Primitively.FluentValidation
Dependency injection
Here's an example of the DI setup for a C# ASP.NET web api project that references a class library containing Primitively source generated types and is generating swagger documentation.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add primitively configuration
builder.Services.AddPrimitively(options =>
// Register the location of source generated Primitively types within the application
// NB. No need to use reflection to scan assemblies! Each class library that contains source
// generated Primitively types also has a 'PrimitiveLibrary' static helper class. Meta data such
// as type name, underlying data type, example value, min / max Length etc can then be obtained
// from the PrimitiveRepository instance within each class library
// Add AspNetCore Mvc model binding support for Primitively types used in APIs. This means strongly typed
// Primitively types can easily be used as querystring and route params too etc
// Add Swashbuckle Open Api Schema Filter so Primitively types are fully supported in the API Swagger documentation
Using Primitively with MongoDB
If you want to store your Primitively types in MongoDB they will need a BSON serializer. Add the Primitively.MongoDB.Bson NuGet package to your project by running the following command. It contains highly configurable BSON serialization support for your Primitively types.
dotnet add package Primitively.MongoDB.Bson
Dependency injection
Here's an example of the DI setup for a .NET core application that uses both MongoDB and Primitively.
var services = new ServiceCollection();
// Add primitively configuration
services.AddPrimitively(options =>
// Register the location of source generated Primitively types within the application
// Add MongoDB BsonSerializer configuration. This method also supports registering types individually. By default
// it will register a BSON serializer for each Primitively type in the PrimitivelyOptions registry.
// Any Primitively types that are IGuid primitives will be by default stored in Mongo as the default CSharpLegacy Base64
// strings unless overridden using the Bson serializer options
Your MongoDB related Primitively types can be registered in this way as well: -
.AddBson(builder => builder.Register(Acme.Lib1.PrimitiveLibrary.Repository));
Or you can just register individual types rather than an entire library: -
.AddBson(builder => builder.Register<ProductId>());
Each Primitively type's BSON serializer can be configured individually. Here's an example of how to set the options for the BSON serializer used on all your Primitively IGuid
types: -
.AddBson(builder => builder
.Configure<BsonIGuidSerializerOptions>(options => options
.GuidRepresentation = MongoDB.Bson.GuidRepresentation.Standard));